Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reading Log 2

The Perks Of Being a Wallflower

This book shows the struggle of highschool.  It fallow a boys first year of high schools by letters he writes to a stranger.   He struggles with what all teens struggle with; drugs, alcohol, smoking, friends, and finding who you are.  It is a very good representative of  the typical American teenager.
Is this good though?  Does it show how we actually are? or is it just stereo typical?  This is effect how we grow up?  If teens acted different would the whole American Experience be different?
I would recommend this book.  The format is easy to get into and this book is very easy to relate to.    

Reading Log 1

Hunger Games.
The Hunger Games is about the future US.  Now it is all divided up into districts and is run by one district. The further down your district the less you have.  The people that now run the districts have this event called the Hunger Games, where they chose a girl and a boy from each district who are forced to go and kill eachother in order to win this game.  Its a life death situation.
Is this were are world is heading towards?  If we continue down the same places we are going is America going to turn into this?  A place were we force children to go kill eachother?  To lose innocents like that so young?
I would recommend this book to be read.  Its very well written and a very good story full of drama, sadness, and growing up.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


This weekend was really good.
Friday i went and saw pops which i thought was soo good
Saturday i went to krystals house with trevor and jason.  We watch due date and paranormal activity 2.  It was nice not being the third wheel.
I got prank called over the weekend.  It sounded like it was a girl, but i still cant figure out who it was.  kinda weird...
Today i went a saw Arthur.  I thought it was reallly good, Funny, cute, sad.  I just liked it alot.

Ugh not looking forward to this week.

So on saturday, Trevor and Krystal were getting it on and Jason was hungry so we went up stairs and i made him cheese sticks,  but of corse when i was taking them out of the oven, the hot pan happened to hit my stomach.  And now i have a burn.  It really hurts, its blistering and everything! djgopjh

I also got lost in Arvada on Saturday.   I was trying to bus back to my place so i could get ready.  And i guess i took a wrong turn and ended up lost, with no phone, cuz it was died.  Figures.  ya but it was pretty sketchy.... i thought.. iwas going to die.  but i didnt.  yay!

Monday, April 4, 2011

math is terrible

I have always been good at math.  Always one of my best classes.  Now, im failing.  I dont get it at all.  So. Frustrating.   GAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Scared of the Dark

So today at like 8 30 we went to Wanica lake.  It was sooooo dark out and well im not a fan of the dark to start with, when im outside, idk my head just messes with me.  The friends i was with, of corse, thought it was hilarious my freaking out about nothing so started messing with me.  So i got even more jumpy.  I was really starting to freak myself out so i took out my phone so i could have a light.  We were sitting at a picnic table and everyone kept joking about seeing someone coming to get me or staring at me so i walk away and stand in the middle of the sidewalk to take a look around cause i was freaking out.  so there was this sign that kept me on my guard cause it kept looking like a person.  So for like the 10th time i shown my light on it.  Well it moved.  All of a sudden it was zooming really really fast towards me and then i realized it was the sign but a person.  I dont remember how i got to the side walk back to the picnic table...apparently i basically jumped there as i let out a scream.  The bicycle zooms past me.  It scared the shit out of me.  I dont think i have ever been that scared in my life.  When i could finally breath again i started to cry cause i was laughing so hard.  It was sooooo funny.  but so embarrassing.  My friends definitely wont let me forget this one.


Today was beautiful and so was yesterday, its been a really fun weekend so far.  Yesterday i suffered through school, then went home and enjoyed the nice weather then went to a movie with Dillian.  We wanted to see Limitless but we were running alittle late and the showing we wanted to see was packed, so instead we walked around the theater looking for other movies to sneak in on, we ended up going in half way through sucker punch which i had already seen but dillan hadnt, he was really confused.  So after Sucker Punch ended we went and saw some of Limitless but it was already really late and i had to be home by 12 soooo we didnt get to see the end.  It was still fun though.

Today i did so much.  I met up with Krystal at 12 and we packed a lunch then went for a 6 mile hike up Chatucua.  It was so nice to get out and about.  and it was beautiful out which was amazing.  Then after the hike we had our picnic.
Then we went shopping for alittle, then we went to the east boulder rec to swim.  Now that was ackward.  In the hot tub there was a guy who was just facing the jets...ya we think we was...having fun.  Then there was this guy who kept moving closer to me and krystal and then he stood up and he was wearing a speedo.  I lost it.
After that we went and had dinner then met up with the boys and went Bowling,  then after that we went and chilled at Wanica lake and well i had a embarrassing moment there but its such a good story it deserves its own post.  sooo now i am home sitting here writing.  Good day.

I feel good.  just good.

loving the weather!!!! whhot!

"peace, love, happiness"

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I got the job at Saint Vrain State Park!  now i just have to decided what all i want to do.  Im still waiting to hear back from a college so ill wait for that response to make my decision on what im going to do next year.

Today was much better.  I went home with a migraine but it was still a good day :)
ta ta


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Didnt get the job at 11 mile :( damn, i wasnt experienced enought i guess.  They said they loved me in person but i need more experience.  Stupid.

This day was stupid overall, going back to school killed me.  I am so sick of high school drama and stuff so annoying.  I am so ready to get away from all of it and GROW UP.

Ok im really bitter right now, probably should stop taking out anger on keyboard...

p.s im really not an angry person.
P.s.s it just seems like it here
p.s.s.s. but im not, im actually a happy person..
p.s.s.s.s just not right now


"its ok to some times get angry, it healthy"

Monday, March 28, 2011


We went to Gateway today.  It was fun, we did the maze and then go carts, which i won, of corse, i always win at go carts.  Its just a given. so pro.  And then we did mini golf...not so good at that but it was fun.  It turned out to be a pretty nice day even though it was suppose to snow.  One more day of break.  I think im going to the zoo tomorrow.  I havnt been to the zoo in while.

Things are weird lately.  Dont really want to go into detail here but just weird.

ok byeeee

"im a competitive person, thats why i always win"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Movies movies movies

I've seen a lot of movies lately.

I was babysitting and decided to be a cool babysitter and take my sisters to see Mars Needs Moms.  It actually wasn't that bad and just cause im a ball of mush...yes i did cry.  But ya it wasn't terrible. i thought it was going to be, but proven wrong i was.  P.S i always watched star wars this morning.

I went and saw SuckerPunch with my college friends.  It was sooo good to see them again.  They loved the movie cuz well they were guys.  I thought it was a good movie but way confusing and way to dramatic.  Went a little over bored on the whole slow motion thing.  but it was one of those movies were you dont really no what reality is.

I went and saw Rango with Krystal and Trover and James, the company was good.  I really didn't like Rango.  I cant really tell you why but i just was so bored and suffered through the whole movie.  terrible.  which was disappointing cuz i though it was going to be good!

I also decided to be a fun babysitter and make some embarrassing movies of my own.  Rowan stole my spot light

So at 29th street they have this major cool new soda machine.  Its a touch screen and when you click on sprite you get like 7 different flavors of sprite to choose from!  pretty sick ya? 

I also made these amazing cookies!  I went through a slump were i couldnt back anything and now bam i can bake again!  problem is i keep eating to much of what im baking...whoops 

Me and Krystal also went shopping before the movie.  Think we should get these hats? me to :)

Im going to Gateway tomorrow.  Im excited! should be a party, i mean cant go wrong with mini golfing and go carting!  

good bye.
no quotes today.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Random rambling

Do you ever wonder if people that have left your life still think about you? or even the people still in your life, do you ever cross there mind? cuz i think about people all the time.  That might sound kinda creepy but its true.  And i wonder if its just me, like am i just weird that way?  Do i get to attached to people so thinking about them just lets me hold on to them?

 I mean with some people, there still my friends on facebook or i see them in the halls and that well bring the memories back but even still people just randomly pop into my head.  Like i still remember this guy who was my best friend in 2nd grade, and i still think about him some times.  Do i ever pop into his head?  Does he even remember me?

And then there are the more recent people.  And sure maybe when they pass me in the halls, then i cross their mind but when their sitting home, do i pop up?  cuz i know that they do all the time.  Even the people who i want to forget pop up and i end up thinking about them.  Do they still think about me?  This is what has been going through my head all day.  so i decided to write it down.  Maybe its cuz ive been feeling lonely recently but there really isnt any reason why i should, i mean im surrounded by friends i know care about me, but...still i feel lonely.  maybe just one of those nights.  Where i remember and hurt and wonder and think.

but really  for some reason i just want to know, do people think about me??

I try to talk to you, but I don't know what to say. I am afraid you don't want me to say anything. So I don't. But inside of me there are words waiting to come out.And tell you how I feel-like how I miss you. And how I love you despite my broken heart.And how I need you in my life. And especially how much I want you.But those words may forver stay in my heart-locked inside.Sometimes I wonder if there are words locked inside you too... but I'll never know.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


little girls imagine themselves being a princesses, with the big poof dresses.  You know the ones that im talking about.  Ya well i never wanted that.  I was always the tom boy.  Thus when it comes to prom, i dont really want that. Buttttttt those are the dresses my mom likes and looks the best on me.  So i have decided that i am suppose to grow up to be a princess, cuz i dont have the balls to go to prom in one of those dresses.  

And those were the small ones!! haha

Graduation Dresses!  

I did find some nice dresses those!

I had another job interview!  wearing my interview outfit makes me feel so professional.
sexy business lady coming through 

Spring Break is fun, i havnt really done anything but it is still nice, the weather has been beautiful.  But right now its so so windyyy.    

I went Glow in the dark mini golfing the other day!  so fun!! 

ummm well i dont know what else is new so bye!!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Lifes Good

The sun is shining, things are working out, im around people i like, im so happy.

nuff said

Saturday, March 12, 2011

growing up

I got accepted into my 2nd college i applied for!  3000 dollar scholarship!

Yesturday was alot of fun but filled with alittle drama but whatevs.

Today im heading down to Colorado Springs for a job interview.  its for a state park.  My interview is tomorrow but we are going to go down tonight.  Itll be fun to get away for the rest of the weekend.  I havnt gone somewhere in forever.  I hope i hear back from state parks closer to here but if i get this job i wont be complaining.

Earlier this morning i went for a bike ride and i found a lost puppy.  On my way to return it to its house i came across a kitten so i stopped to take a picture of it and then this little girl came running up to me thanking me for finding her kitten.  Then i returned the puppy and the owners were very greatful.  It made me think maybe ill become a animal rescue person.  I guess we will see where the wind blows me.

Ive been feeling very grown up lately.  My moms giving me freedom back and ive just been feeling me mature and stuff.  And now im going to a job interview. Idk it exciting!

alright got to split

"We grow neither better nor worse as we get old, but more like ourselves 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

the sun is a shining

This week has been good.  It was another csap which is amazing,  next week is going to suckk.  Well here are some pics

One of the Csap days me and krystal went a visited Mager butt he was having bro time with his next door neighbor Forest who is now my new friend!  I love making new friends, he is really cute.   so Mags sent us away for a little bit so we went exploring.  This was a sketchy bridge thing we found.  We also found a tire swing, a hobo, anndd a giant ass dog that chased us.  


Today was such a nice day.  I love it.  It makes me soooo happy.  And today was just good over all.  I went to all my classes, during our big lunch and 5th we went to krystals house and it was a party!  we watched Grown Ups and did other stuff.  Then i went to 7th then hung out with Mozi on the way home. The got home, went for a amazing run, felt like nothing could touch me.  Then i got picked up by krystal, we went to her house, ate, then went and met Lorenz at the Boulder game.  The game was intense and Boulder won!  It was fun chilling with my bestest buddies and also met some new friends.  Then Lorenz drove me home and we were able to have deep conversation which i really liked.  I was able to get some things off my chest and its nice to do that once in awhile.  

Ive just been feeling good lately.  Life is just good, things our good.  With the sun is shinning in the world and in my life.  Its so nice just to be able to relax and have fun again.  Running has been really good for me.  It really feels like nothing can stop me or hold me down any more.  Happy me!  

Im really excited for tomorrow!  Lunch at Olive Garden with Dillan and Trevor!  I love Olive Garden.  

Im loving this warm weather.  I am so excited for days were i can go sit by my pool with my ipod and a good book and soak up the sun.  

Im kinda sad how im getting new friends now when i really dont have time to get close to them.  But Ive been thinking and really people come and go in your life and they all come and go for a reason.  The different times they stay are all different and amazing in there own way.  Im not scared to let myself get close to people, i want to be close cause i can now handle the pain if they leave.  Does that mean i have grown up a little? im not really sure.  But its my new way of thinking.  Alright you probably didnt want to know that but just my weird thoughts as always.  

I want a puppy.

"Im walking on sunshine" 


Sunday, March 6, 2011

A day in the life

Its been a long time since i wrote.  ah well.  Life has been busy so im just going to go with the highlights.

So I heard back from one of my colleges and i got in!  $8500 academic scholarship and and $500 leadership.  I was pretty surprised that i even got in, yet alone a scholarship.  So that was exciting.

My basketball team made it to the great 8, which the fairview girls havnt done since 1992 so that was cool. We ended up losing but the team we played was really really good.  So basketball is now over.  Its really weird.  I have played basketball for 10 years straight and now i dont know if ill ever play again.  Just weird.  Playing in the Coliseum was craazzyyy.  The energy in there was so wack.

Csap week was amazing.  Also cause it was BEAUtiful out so that just made me super happy.

Yesturday i had the funest day i have had in a long time.  I went to 29th with Krystal and had Panera,  i really like Panera, so yummy.  Then me and krystal went and saw Nobmeo and Juliet.  Such a cheesy gawd.  But since it was me and krystal we made it fun.  There was some very crude humor as always.  After that we were on our way to go pick up people and we were jammin out in the car as usual when we past a park and decided to do this:
I didnt realize it stopped but you can probably figure out how it ended.  Went down the slide, sprinted to the car, so great.  The looks we got from the kids at the park, priceless.

After that we went to Albursons, oh the adventures there.   Krystal put on some glasses which made he nose blue, we gave my number to the really hot cashier guy, i was crying i was laughing so hard.  

After that we went and picked up these monarch kids.  We chilled out side their house for a little bit and just messed around, it was fun to make new friends.  And fun just so go crazy.

Affftteerr that we al jumped in the car and started driving.  I really had to pee so we went to a gas station and of corse someone i new worked there.  Creeeppyyyy.  Then even though we had two guys in the back of our car we got stalked by some cowboys.  They boys were freaakinngg out.  Me and Krystal wanted to wave... :P

So then we went and stopped by at Jason party just to say hi.  We left the to Monarch kidos in the car cause they felt ackward so it was a really fast in and out.  But it was fun still.  

After that we stopped by another gas station.  And then i went home.  

Such  a good day.  I loved it.

Today i have to apply for jobs and do homework and clean my room, but this weekend was diffenitly amazing.  Another Csap week coming up!  im happy.  I actually really am for the first time in awhile.  :DDDD   

My nose....its blue! 
p.s Me and Krystal always follow those silly things "differnce between a good friend and best friend" ya this is a new one we found out.  A good friend would help you try to rub off the blue stuff, best friend is laughing her ass off.  

3D whoot!

Place were we played basketball.  Hugge

My phone actually takes really good pics.  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

ridin the bus

I was riding the bus today and people watching and really people need to calm down.  Everyone gets so frustrated about the littlest thing.  Really there not that big of a deal and it ruins peoples day by getting mad about them.  Examples:  This old guy got on the bus and asked for a seat from the young person who sighed and rolled his eyes and grumbled about it.  The bus pulled infront of this bike but there was a ton of space but the bike had to slow down alittle, really just alittle, the biker got so mad that he flipped off the driver, the bus was 10 min late and a person waiting with me at the bus stop got on the bus and started yelling at the bus driver for it and was being such a smart ass.

Really people need to relax.  You cant be in that much of a hurry where slowing down your bike ruins your day or so lazy where you dont want to give up your seat to someone in need.

My challenge to you and myself:  take a step back and look at the things that have been bugging you.  or if something comes up that starts to make you mad.  Really look at it and think is it really that big of a deal??

I bet that life well be alot easier if we all try this.  maybe?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

being sick

I hate being sick, it really is the worst.  This is my 2nd day being sick and missing two days of school, now im failing two classes, joy.  Yesterday was my senior night for basketball and even though i was puking my guts out i still went and played.  I thought i was going to die.  Of corse the one game im sick my coach decided to start me and want to put me in all the time.  figures.

This week started out fun with Valentines day.  I ended up getting 3 secret admirer gifts which was fun, still dont know who they were...hmm...

here is a poem i wrote i think it was last thursday in math.  I passed a car accident on my way to school which made me think so ya its a kinda sad poem:

I woke up to a land of white
My, it was quite a sight
Those lights, they never shown so bright

It was May
and i have to say
I never thought it would be this day

I slammed on the brakes
The whole world shakes
Is this really going to be my fate?

I never thought it would end this way
on this oh so very fine day
But i couldnt move, all i had to do was lay

The sparkling white now sprinkled with red
No!  i didnt want to hear what the policemen had said
As i just lay here, died.

Guess the song? 

"im sick and tired of being sick and tired"


some more pics


Monday, February 7, 2011

Scary Story

So in the past week i have watched both The Rite and Paranormal Activity.  So you wont be surprised when i tell you that i got pretty sketched out when my step dad brought home this story:

For the past 6 months this crazy lady has been visiting the dumpster by my stepdads work and dumping brand new books and Cds in it.  Everytime my stepdad tried to talk to her she would run away, so he would just take the cds and books and such. different.  Instead of just the normal 5 cds and 10 books there was just a whole dumpster full of cds!  from top to bottom.  So my stepdad got out his bags and started packaging all of them and putting them in his car.  About halfway through though the crazy lady come up to him (this is where is gets creepy) and here is how there convo went:
"i wouldnt take those if i were you" said the crazy lady.
"Why not?" replays my stepdad
"because they were thrown there for a reason,  Bad things well happen to those who take them"

And guess what my stepdad did, he took them still!  so we have a car full of cursed cds sitting in are driveway and with my mind on demons im kinda freaking out alittle.

Sketch huh? 


Sunday, February 6, 2011


Photo Shot with me and krystal 

I took this one cause i thought it was cool 

yes, i am super women 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

wait what?

This week really weird things have just happened.  Just really unexpected stuff. I dunno if i like it or not.  i mean the stuff isnt to bad but its just been throwing me off.

alright so lets see.  Wednesday we had another snow day!  It was nice having a weekend in the middle of the week.  I dont think i really did much...I went and worked out, then went and watched ro ro do gymnastics, then came home.  Thursday was back to school.  It was block schedule so i had a huge off.  Some really really really unexpected stuff happened then, that might have been what really throw me off for friday and today as well.  Thursday night we had a basketball game.  To tell you the truth i dont remember it....oopps.  Thursday i came home and more unexpected stuff happened, but this time is was just people who were talking to me that i thought wouldnt talk to me but now im really close to.  Just weird.  Friday i continued talking to new people.  I got sat on by Max for like a hour....ya that wasnt fun.  Friday night we had anouther basketball game and another surprising thing happened.  My coach put me in! and i actually played really well!  unexpected right?! haha

Ok now today:  i went to basketball and had the hardest practice and work out ever.  I am so sore.  Then after our actually practice, we had community service.  Which was super tiring as well.  Then i came home and watched Valentines Day.  Such a cute movie.  Then my family dragged me to go conrtadancing with them... It was actually pretty fun though.  Just kinda ackward with all the old guys dancing with you :P  The Guitar player was extremely cute though, he kept laughing at me with the old guys all over me.

I saw Parinormal Activity...probably why im not sleeping right now....kinda sketched me out...alot.

I really want to get a nice camera.  I keep seeing these amazing things but i dont have any thing to capture them with so they just stay in my head...

I offically now can play cam you feel the love tonight on the piano!  Now if i could only sing....

I finished The Hunger Games.  I really liked it.  I read it in like two days.  I think i might read the 2nd one soon.

I saw P.S I Love You recently to.  I really like that movie.  I cry through the whole thing though.  The Hunger Games made me cry to haha.  Call me a whimp i guess.  Idk though i like crying in books and idea why.

ok.  here is a poem.

I guess you really should
expect the unexpected
but if you expect the unexpected
is it unexpected?

The unexpected brings shock and surprise.
But isnt the surprise half the fun?
The shock, the other?

Arnt unexpected things,
what make life worth living?

If nothing unexpected happened.
Nothing would be right

If unexpected things were done,
Now, thats were theres fun.

so you can say expect the unexpected
and you can even live by that
but instead of waiting for that unexpected moment
try doing something unexpected yourself.
you may be shocked or surprised about what you find.

It might be well...unexpected!

"You gotta try to hit every curve ball thrown at you, others wise you will strike out?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow day!

Its. freaken. cold.  i woke up this morning and it was -9.  i dont like it very mucchh.  BUT with the cold comes snow day!! well...cold day.  It was a good day, i got up at 9, made the best pancakes eva, went and hung out on 29th and then saw a movie with matt, pablo, and krystal.  It was alot of fun to go out and hang out with people again.  I invite other people but people were to busy or didnt want to go out in the weather.  But the group that was able to come was fun.  I like just floating from group to group.  At points its lonely but then i see that i actually do have alot of random people out there haha.

While just hanging at 29th before, We ended up getting stalked.  We walked into the Apple store and there were these two guys there (looked to be like 16) that looked up when we walked in and ended up playing on the ipads right across form them.  Then we left and went to bath and body works and looked out the window and there they were!  so we just calmly walked past them and went and took refuge in Borders.  Then is was time to go to the movie and get this, we walk in and their there and have tickets to the same movie!! sketchy right.

We were going to go hot tubbing after but my mom made me come home.  I feel bad cause then no one went.....

Its so cold outside.  You get out there and it hurts to breath.  Crazzineess.  I miss the warm!  probably wont be a good idea for me to go to college in Maine....guess ill see were the wind takes me!

This week has been good.  I havnt been letting things get to me and its nice!  Have had some ackward moments but i just laugh them off.  Im starting to feel like people care about me again and thats a really nice feeling.  I feel like people actually WANT to hang out with me now.  :)

Im finished the road and im now reading The Hunger Games.  its goodd

Learned some new songs on the piano!  maybe ill record them and put them up... or probably not.

I realize when i write even somthing like this i always want to say haha or put a smiley.  must mean i text to much (haha, lol, :P)  I just like to talk to people and i almost always have a person texting me so why not replay?

So even though i am getting back into social life i still do miss certain people and well probably always miss them unless i/them can do something bout it.  So i guess ill just go with the flow ( :) )

Another cold day tomorrow!  yay!! easiest week eva!  i wonder if we will have block....

anywho, enough stupid rambling from me but props if you read that all ( :P )

"Cold never last forever, at some point the sun must shine"  (metaphor if you didnt catch that)  


Sunday, January 30, 2011

D.O.N.E/whats next?

DONE!! finally applied to all my colleges!  woop! im also applied to my jobs for when i graduate.  If i get excepted im going to move to where ever i work and go be a mountain women!  well....maybe not that drastic.  Im really excited though,  im so ready to move on,  get outta high school, go meet new people.

This week was another hard one,  had some more fights with people.  I thought i was a easy person to get along with but i guess not.  But if someone leaves your life i guess its soppose to be that way right?  but that doesnt stop me from missing certain people.  alot.  And doesnt stop me from just wanting those friendships back and thinking of somthing i can do to get them back.....

We won both our basketball games this week which is good.  And we also got saturday off of basketball!  to bad i got sick and mom my thinks i have a weird fracture thing in my foot so i had to stay off it all day and didnt hang out with anyone but i wasnt in the social mood anyway.  im just kinda bored of all the things to do around here.  im so ready for something NEW!

I skipped outta winterball.  Things got way to complicated and i had a bunch of people wanting me to ask them  but i didnt reallly feel like asking them so i was just going to go with krystal but then we both got that means that we just have to make prom amazing.  I hope i can get in a good group for it. I wanna have fun.

This week im going to try to not let things get to me as much.  i have a problem about caring to much.  I let things get to me and then they bring me down when really there not such a big deal!  im really trying to work on stuff like that.

so i have a ton more going through my head, but im going to keep alot of it there.  Right now though is really Whats next?  my life follows a pattern, i have this huge 'up' moment and then im down for alittle and then somthing happens again and then im up then down and then so on.  right now im still down.  So whats next?

p.s. I got really bored so i took some pics of me and my hat.  There pretty G :P 

"live in the present, the future makes your head hurt and the past your heart" 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Back Up and Running

Things are calming down finally.  So i decided to start blogging again.  All my post got deleted, why? i have no idea!  So the only ones that are left are my L.A. ones, whoop!
so tons has happened but im not going to go into detail here.  Ill just say this year has started with ....a bang?  so much has already changed.  But one thing that high school has really taught me is things really do change in a blink of an eyes, there one way then BAM! complete loopty loop.  And the thing is you need to learn how to best deal with this change.  Thats something im still trying to learn how to do.  As always with time it gets better and this time its getting better faster then in previous moments.

I got my wisdom teeth out!  That was was quite the experience.  My dentist had been telling me to get them out but i just couldnt find the time to!  As i found out always comes first.  I got an infection which was extremely painful and had to have emergency surgery to get those suckers out.  It went pretty well and i tried to recover as fast as i could.  now just for the make up work!

Ive gotten my Itunes up and running and bought a ton of new songs.  I really love music.

Piano!  yes, i play the piano now.  Not very well but i know a couple songs.  Such as When Irish Eyes are Smiling, Irish Lullaby and my favorite one to play, Edelweiss from the sound of music.  Its so pretty.  Im working on Can You Feel the Love Tonight from Lion King.  :) 

Ive been thinking about good graduation songs and i figured out my top three:  Its My Life, Graduation, and then my top one is One My Way by Phil Collins.  Its from Brother Bear and i really like it and think it fits.

Im applying for jobs working in the National Parks kinda around.  Id start work right after graduation which would be very nice and might even go live up by where ever i get accepted which would be really cool!  my own place at 17! :P  but with me not being able to get my licenses till July my ideal place would be as close as i could get to here just so i can still have that last summer with my high school friends.  but with how high school is by then who knows who those people well be!  

I found another College im applying to.  I also found a different major that is more what i want to do. An Animal Technologist.  Yup, thats it.  

I really want to go to Africa.  Then Europe .   ya, that would be cool.

Well those are all just the boring things in my life but i dont wanna go into all the "exciting" stuff haha.  maybe some other time

thats it for now!

"When the world shows you 100 reasons to cry, show it 100 reasons to smile"    

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hyperlink Task

Jillian writes about how marijuana and how it should be legalized.  A metopher for this could be dogs living in a world where there is this dog food that their owners wont give them but they love to have.

Mackenna writes about how sam sex marrage should be legalized.  A metopher for this could be that one person cant find there love anywhere and just spends their life alone becouse it never crossed the persons mind to love the same gender.

Mark writes about helicopter parents.  A metopher for this could be that the parents are bugs buzzing in the kids ears that never go away no matter how hard you try to slap them away.