Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today was beautiful and so was yesterday, its been a really fun weekend so far.  Yesterday i suffered through school, then went home and enjoyed the nice weather then went to a movie with Dillian.  We wanted to see Limitless but we were running alittle late and the showing we wanted to see was packed, so instead we walked around the theater looking for other movies to sneak in on, we ended up going in half way through sucker punch which i had already seen but dillan hadnt, he was really confused.  So after Sucker Punch ended we went and saw some of Limitless but it was already really late and i had to be home by 12 soooo we didnt get to see the end.  It was still fun though.

Today i did so much.  I met up with Krystal at 12 and we packed a lunch then went for a 6 mile hike up Chatucua.  It was so nice to get out and about.  and it was beautiful out which was amazing.  Then after the hike we had our picnic.
Then we went shopping for alittle, then we went to the east boulder rec to swim.  Now that was ackward.  In the hot tub there was a guy who was just facing the jets...ya we think we was...having fun.  Then there was this guy who kept moving closer to me and krystal and then he stood up and he was wearing a speedo.  I lost it.
After that we went and had dinner then met up with the boys and went Bowling,  then after that we went and chilled at Wanica lake and well i had a embarrassing moment there but its such a good story it deserves its own post.  sooo now i am home sitting here writing.  Good day.

I feel good.  just good.

loving the weather!!!! whhot!

"peace, love, happiness"

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