Sunday, March 6, 2011

A day in the life

Its been a long time since i wrote.  ah well.  Life has been busy so im just going to go with the highlights.

So I heard back from one of my colleges and i got in!  $8500 academic scholarship and and $500 leadership.  I was pretty surprised that i even got in, yet alone a scholarship.  So that was exciting.

My basketball team made it to the great 8, which the fairview girls havnt done since 1992 so that was cool. We ended up losing but the team we played was really really good.  So basketball is now over.  Its really weird.  I have played basketball for 10 years straight and now i dont know if ill ever play again.  Just weird.  Playing in the Coliseum was craazzyyy.  The energy in there was so wack.

Csap week was amazing.  Also cause it was BEAUtiful out so that just made me super happy.

Yesturday i had the funest day i have had in a long time.  I went to 29th with Krystal and had Panera,  i really like Panera, so yummy.  Then me and krystal went and saw Nobmeo and Juliet.  Such a cheesy gawd.  But since it was me and krystal we made it fun.  There was some very crude humor as always.  After that we were on our way to go pick up people and we were jammin out in the car as usual when we past a park and decided to do this:
I didnt realize it stopped but you can probably figure out how it ended.  Went down the slide, sprinted to the car, so great.  The looks we got from the kids at the park, priceless.

After that we went to Albursons, oh the adventures there.   Krystal put on some glasses which made he nose blue, we gave my number to the really hot cashier guy, i was crying i was laughing so hard.  

After that we went and picked up these monarch kids.  We chilled out side their house for a little bit and just messed around, it was fun to make new friends.  And fun just so go crazy.

Affftteerr that we al jumped in the car and started driving.  I really had to pee so we went to a gas station and of corse someone i new worked there.  Creeeppyyyy.  Then even though we had two guys in the back of our car we got stalked by some cowboys.  They boys were freaakinngg out.  Me and Krystal wanted to wave... :P

So then we went and stopped by at Jason party just to say hi.  We left the to Monarch kidos in the car cause they felt ackward so it was a really fast in and out.  But it was fun still.  

After that we stopped by another gas station.  And then i went home.  

Such  a good day.  I loved it.

Today i have to apply for jobs and do homework and clean my room, but this weekend was diffenitly amazing.  Another Csap week coming up!  im happy.  I actually really am for the first time in awhile.  :DDDD   

My nose....its blue! 
p.s Me and Krystal always follow those silly things "differnce between a good friend and best friend" ya this is a new one we found out.  A good friend would help you try to rub off the blue stuff, best friend is laughing her ass off.  

3D whoot!

Place were we played basketball.  Hugge

My phone actually takes really good pics.  

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