Saturday, March 12, 2011

growing up

I got accepted into my 2nd college i applied for!  3000 dollar scholarship!

Yesturday was alot of fun but filled with alittle drama but whatevs.

Today im heading down to Colorado Springs for a job interview.  its for a state park.  My interview is tomorrow but we are going to go down tonight.  Itll be fun to get away for the rest of the weekend.  I havnt gone somewhere in forever.  I hope i hear back from state parks closer to here but if i get this job i wont be complaining.

Earlier this morning i went for a bike ride and i found a lost puppy.  On my way to return it to its house i came across a kitten so i stopped to take a picture of it and then this little girl came running up to me thanking me for finding her kitten.  Then i returned the puppy and the owners were very greatful.  It made me think maybe ill become a animal rescue person.  I guess we will see where the wind blows me.

Ive been feeling very grown up lately.  My moms giving me freedom back and ive just been feeling me mature and stuff.  And now im going to a job interview. Idk it exciting!

alright got to split

"We grow neither better nor worse as we get old, but more like ourselves 

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