Sunday, March 27, 2011

Movies movies movies

I've seen a lot of movies lately.

I was babysitting and decided to be a cool babysitter and take my sisters to see Mars Needs Moms.  It actually wasn't that bad and just cause im a ball of mush...yes i did cry.  But ya it wasn't terrible. i thought it was going to be, but proven wrong i was.  P.S i always watched star wars this morning.

I went and saw SuckerPunch with my college friends.  It was sooo good to see them again.  They loved the movie cuz well they were guys.  I thought it was a good movie but way confusing and way to dramatic.  Went a little over bored on the whole slow motion thing.  but it was one of those movies were you dont really no what reality is.

I went and saw Rango with Krystal and Trover and James, the company was good.  I really didn't like Rango.  I cant really tell you why but i just was so bored and suffered through the whole movie.  terrible.  which was disappointing cuz i though it was going to be good!

I also decided to be a fun babysitter and make some embarrassing movies of my own.  Rowan stole my spot light

So at 29th street they have this major cool new soda machine.  Its a touch screen and when you click on sprite you get like 7 different flavors of sprite to choose from!  pretty sick ya? 

I also made these amazing cookies!  I went through a slump were i couldnt back anything and now bam i can bake again!  problem is i keep eating to much of what im baking...whoops 

Me and Krystal also went shopping before the movie.  Think we should get these hats? me to :)

Im going to Gateway tomorrow.  Im excited! should be a party, i mean cant go wrong with mini golfing and go carting!  

good bye.
no quotes today.  

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