Monday, February 7, 2011

Scary Story

So in the past week i have watched both The Rite and Paranormal Activity.  So you wont be surprised when i tell you that i got pretty sketched out when my step dad brought home this story:

For the past 6 months this crazy lady has been visiting the dumpster by my stepdads work and dumping brand new books and Cds in it.  Everytime my stepdad tried to talk to her she would run away, so he would just take the cds and books and such. different.  Instead of just the normal 5 cds and 10 books there was just a whole dumpster full of cds!  from top to bottom.  So my stepdad got out his bags and started packaging all of them and putting them in his car.  About halfway through though the crazy lady come up to him (this is where is gets creepy) and here is how there convo went:
"i wouldnt take those if i were you" said the crazy lady.
"Why not?" replays my stepdad
"because they were thrown there for a reason,  Bad things well happen to those who take them"

And guess what my stepdad did, he took them still!  so we have a car full of cursed cds sitting in are driveway and with my mind on demons im kinda freaking out alittle.

Sketch huh? 


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