Sunday, January 30, 2011

D.O.N.E/whats next?

DONE!! finally applied to all my colleges!  woop! im also applied to my jobs for when i graduate.  If i get excepted im going to move to where ever i work and go be a mountain women!  well....maybe not that drastic.  Im really excited though,  im so ready to move on,  get outta high school, go meet new people.

This week was another hard one,  had some more fights with people.  I thought i was a easy person to get along with but i guess not.  But if someone leaves your life i guess its soppose to be that way right?  but that doesnt stop me from missing certain people.  alot.  And doesnt stop me from just wanting those friendships back and thinking of somthing i can do to get them back.....

We won both our basketball games this week which is good.  And we also got saturday off of basketball!  to bad i got sick and mom my thinks i have a weird fracture thing in my foot so i had to stay off it all day and didnt hang out with anyone but i wasnt in the social mood anyway.  im just kinda bored of all the things to do around here.  im so ready for something NEW!

I skipped outta winterball.  Things got way to complicated and i had a bunch of people wanting me to ask them  but i didnt reallly feel like asking them so i was just going to go with krystal but then we both got that means that we just have to make prom amazing.  I hope i can get in a good group for it. I wanna have fun.

This week im going to try to not let things get to me as much.  i have a problem about caring to much.  I let things get to me and then they bring me down when really there not such a big deal!  im really trying to work on stuff like that.

so i have a ton more going through my head, but im going to keep alot of it there.  Right now though is really Whats next?  my life follows a pattern, i have this huge 'up' moment and then im down for alittle and then somthing happens again and then im up then down and then so on.  right now im still down.  So whats next?

p.s. I got really bored so i took some pics of me and my hat.  There pretty G :P 

"live in the present, the future makes your head hurt and the past your heart" 

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